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Heart Doc VIP with Dr. Joel Kahn

Apr 27, 2018

For thousands of years alcoholic beverages have been part of our culture. Even this year, supportive data were published and made headlines. Now a massive study questions if you should go beyond the first drink more than 5-6 times a week. This is an important consideration. Complete abstinence from alcohol is a growing...

Apr 20, 2018

In the past few weeks the discussion on stress testing and EKGs created a lot of positive feedback for more. This edition: echocardiography, the special name for ultrasounds of the heart. Why, how, what types, what uses. This amazing application of technology used first in industry and now in medical care for the last...

Apr 13, 2018

You probably have had an ECG or electrocardiogram. But why? What can this simple test tell you? Can you learn about your heart on a simple piece of paper? This week on Heart Doc VIP you'll learn the history of recording electricity in the heart from 100 years ago to now, wanders through Ann Arbor, Michigan, and ends up...

Apr 11, 2018

One of the basic procedures recommended by heart doctors is a stress test on a treadmill. This week you will learn some of the ins and outs of this test, how it can be coupled with an echo or nuclear scan, and how it can be done in people not able to walk the treadmill well. This information can help you and your loved...