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Heart Doc VIP with Dr. Joel Kahn

Jun 29, 2018

Chelation Therapy means "the claw" in Latin and refers to chemicals that may trap and remove toxins like lead and mercury from the body. Does Chelation Therapy also make heart arteries younger and cleaner? The data is growing that it does but an interesting patient today in the Kahn Center has me scratching my head....

Jun 22, 2018

The critical role of having a community is put into focus with a discussion of Roseto, Pennsylvania and the famous Roseto Effect. Alas, now a memory of modern life. In addition, two new research studies indicate that feeling lonely and living life without a partner are associated with adverse health effects for a...

Jun 15, 2018

The news this week from Johns Hopkins University was that erectile dysfunction (ED) in men doubled the risk of having a heart attack, stroke or even a heart death. It is a clue NOT to be ignored. In fact, other studies have identified a risk much higher, even 50X higher, if ED is present. It may be the clue that saves...

Jun 8, 2018

The word is that vitamins are a waste. Wait! How about a vitamin that saves lives? Reduces a serious heart disorder Congestive Heart Failure? Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol? Before you pitch your vitamin bottles, take a listen to the news on CoQ10.

Jun 1, 2018

The number one cause of death in the world relates to elevated blood pressure which is a shocking statistic. How do you know your risk? The best way is to monitor your blood pressure at home AND a 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitor. This can tell if you have normal, elevated, white coat or masked hypertension. It...