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Heart Doc VIP with Dr. Joel Kahn

Mar 31, 2023

Whole nuts are a good source of fiber and nutrients, but are they heart-healthy? Many studies relate nut intake and longevity, including the famous Seventh Day Adventist studies from Loma Linda, California.

This week, Dr. Kahn shares three studies on nuts: one that shows improved heart health, one that shows a healthier...

Mar 24, 2023

To say that "Food is Medicine" is an important concept is an understatement. The rest of the message, that "Food Can Be Poison," is seen every day at the Kahn Center for Cardiac Longevity.

This week, Dr. Kahn focuses on new data that shows adhering to the Mediterranean (MED) diet lowers the risk of a wide range of heart...

Mar 17, 2023

Thank you for your support during the Reversing Heart Disease Summit. The event has now concluded, but you can still view the content by registering and purchasing the videos, transcripts, and audio files, which you can keep forever. Click Here for more information.

This week, Dr. Kahn is focusing on exciting new...

Mar 10, 2023

The Reversing Heart Disease Summit has an encore this week. If you missed any or all of it, register and listen now. It has been a smash hit, but there is one more chance to learn with Dr. Kahn, Dr. Fuhrman, and guests. Click Here To Register.

This week at Heart Doc VIP, Dr. Kahn reports back from his Michigan office on...

Mar 3, 2023

The Reverse Heart Disease Naturally Summit is currently underway, but there's still time to register and access 51 amazing interviews. Join Dr. Kahn and co-host Joel Fuhrman, MD, for this incredible free online event.

Click Here to Register

In this week's episode, Dr. Kahn discusses the topics of sleep and longevity,...