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Heart Doc VIP with Dr. Joel Kahn

Jun 28, 2019

Dr. Kahn gets asked so often by patients if they are "trapped" by a family history of disease, heart, cancer, dementia and such. New data this week is the topic and the majority of the risk of diseases like diabetes type 2 and others are in OUR control, not genetic control. The word is lifestyle medicine. Food...

Jun 21, 2019

Managing stress is very important for quality of life and optimal health. This week we discuss 3 strategies of meditation with most of the focus on the Kirtan Kriya Meditation or KKM. This technique is so simple to learn and more can be found at Try it, practice it, teach and share it with...

Jun 14, 2019

Once known as Dr. Lard, a prominent researcher Ronald Krauss, MD has been publishing data for several years that support eliminating meat, eggs, and dairy and replacing them with plant sources of food. Quite a turn around in Dr. Kahn's view. The studies are reviewed here including the recent white meat vs. red meat...

Jun 7, 2019

There is some "good" news that is out but it is shocking for sure. The third leading cause of death overall in the USA is medical errors made in hospitals during treatment. Estimates from 200,000 to 400,000 deaths a year occur due to mistakes. Even more shocking is that the number of people seriously harmed that do...